Friday, March 22, 2013

Digital Cameras

A picture paints a thousand words.
- Chinese proverb-

The quote tells of the benefits of using pictures to convey more than what words could tell as it is dependent on the creativity of the person looking at it. Children are said to be visual learners in Gardener's Multiple Intelligence, as they are able to learn from what they see and associate into a new knowledge. Therefore that's where the camera comes into action! You can also check out my fellow classmate Vicky about the cameras

Digital cameras are easy and fun to use and they offer teachers nearly unlimited opportunities to engage students and to incorporate technology into their curriculum. Children too have always found a fascination in different objects or materials around their environment. By providing them a digital camera, teachers can encourage children to go taking pictures of interest. Digital photography is hugely useful for incorporating in children's learning or for documentation purposes as this video shows some great ideas on how it could be implemented inside the class such like this video suggests some great ideas to do so. The teachers can also compile these photos and post it on an online sharing file or blog about the experiences like Matt Gomez blogs here. For more information on how Cameras play a part in learning you may like to refer to here.

Boy with camera [Image]. (2010). Retrieved from

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