Saturday, March 2, 2013

Weekly Reflections 1: 2/3/13

Today being the first class of this subject, I was really excited and looking forward to learning about ICT. At the beginning of the class,Ms. Ng our lecturer got each and everyone to do a brief introduction of ourselves to remember the faces of some of our classmates which we may or may not know. It was only later that the class started to "warm up" to the new websites and programs we could use as a form of digital resource for using later on. Firstly, we explored and was exposed to the wonders of presenting ideas in a sort of mind mapping tool with many designs and templates for individuals to explore and create their presentations. Ms.Ng got each group to do a presentation based on the topic of "Why Wouldn't You use ICT in your teaching?" using the Prezi web page. We discussed on some disadvantages of using ICT in our teachings as you can see in the Prezi presentation below. Today, I have also learnt by using the Glogster website to create a poster-like image. Overall, today's class was very interesting for me as I was able to explore these new resources.

1 comment:

  1. How do you post prezi up? Can't seem to post mine up!! :(
